Shop Front – Vegetable Mart

Sepia Saturday 311 At first glance this 1942 photo from Nebraska appears to be of a fruit and vegetable shop but closer inspection shows the produce to be part of a larger store, the Grand Grocery Co.

But it reminded me of an unidentified photo given to me by a distant relative many years ago.


So where was this photo taken ?  My best guess would be Maryborough in central Victoria, or possibly South Melbourne. I am completely lacking in inspiration for identifying this one.  Hopefully some time in the future someone will recognize it.  If only the Proprietor’s name were showing.

This post was shared onto the Carisbrook Historical Society page and some members of this group have made some interesting observations.

9 thoughts on “Shop Front – Vegetable Mart

  1. diane

    The old shops look so quaint. I love it when they are restored. This one would look great if restored to its ordinal state. Too many times they have been modified into ugliness.


  2. Mike Brubaker

    Occupational photos are always improved with added details of children and shop exterior. I wonder if the photographer made a series of photos of other shops along the street. There may be a photo in an archive showing an adjacent shop.


  3. jofeath

    I love the sweet little girl with her big hat and wheelbarrow out the front. Clearly that shop, wherever it was, sold everything, from vegetables to confectionery to furniture.


  4. Sharon

    Would Maryborough have had double story like that?

    Have you tried a reverse image search? It has helped me identify a couple of buildings and statues! Just a thought!


  5. alanburnett1

    Whilst I can’t help identify the location, years of looking at photos from sepias all over the world does mean that I can now at least get a feel for the broad geographic region – and this picture (and what a fine picture it is) does have very much of an Australian feel about it.


  6. La Nightingail

    Not only do the old store fronts have tremendous appeal, but it you were to walk into one of those stores – if they have survived ‘as was’ you would probably find wood floors & wood tends to absorb odors which give the old stores that certain aged smell which is rather delightful – depending.



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